Under the Supervision of the Retirement Benefits Authority, the country has witnessed tremendous developments in the growth of the pensions industry in the country. Launched on 29th August 2011, the Trustee Development Programme Kenya, TDPK, is amongst the latest additions to the regulator’s achievements. TDPK was developed by RBA in consultation with College of Insurance (Kenya) and Humber Centre for Pensions (Canada). The training is delivered by College of Insurance and run by the Association of Retirement Benefits Schemes, under the keen eye of the regulator.
Currently, the RBA regulations (Practice Note RBA/2) require at least one trustee per registered pension’s scheme in the country to have undergone the programme and certified by the end of 2012. The main intention of this course is to vet trustees and equip them, and by extension the board of trustees, with the relevant knowledge and skills required to properly discharge their fiduciary duty in the management of pension funds. Many retirement benefits schemes have already complied with this regulation, and many more trustees are booked to attend the course in remaining months of the year. It is interesting to note that the course has quickly gained popularity across the Kenyan boarders, with trustees from as far as Uganda, Malawi and Ghana having attended. This clearly shows that there is need for more knowledge dispensation in the pensions industry in the country and on the continent at large.
Trustees and any other interested parties who want to attend this course should contact the ARBS’s Executive secretariat for more details.